Friday, June 24, 2011

Golf Etiquette For Practice

Golf is a popular game in the world, a good golfer, whether on golf course or in the OTC will behave very well. Therefore, golf is not only a sport that asking for a golf player's mastery of golf technology, online golf discountbut also make golfer learn to take this temoerament and attitude. The following is golf etiquette in the field of golf course.

First, security is a priority. Many people like to go to play golf with friends or family at the driving range because they want them to experience golf, but they often ignore the security issues.PING G15 Driver Between driving range and rest area, there is a yellow line marking in the playing position, please non-playing staff, away from the yellow line.

Second, do not make much noise. It is often to see that some golfers will be very speak loudly when they just arrive the driving range to see some friends play some good shots, or in order to "encourage" friends, they shout "good shot", that is not good for players. The game of golf requires very attention on the movement, the driving range is also a public place, loud noise inevitably arouse resentment.

Third, pay attention to dress. I believe that many golfers are not like the one wearing suspenders;Callaway Diablo Edge Irons some also wearing slippers male friend or covered with the alcohol are unbearable. We focus on the instrument; it is a minimum of respect for the sport. Play golf can make you enjoy the game, but when playing you should also pay more attention to the golf etiquette.

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