I have fount out the greatest bargain in golf which is called Golfest.
I have discovered that golfer can use the latest golf clubs from the top manufactures after paying only 10 dollars to hit many balls as they want at ChampionsGate
Golf Clubs.
I must tell what I know that one of my employer named Turnstile Publishing organize this two-day event. While, I my opinion, it is a so fantastic idea even this Golfest concept was advanced by Extra Terrestrial Golf Association.
What I got from some of the golf makers at Golfest on a good day in the central Florida are as follows:
WINN GRIPS: This new WinnLite grip is about half weight of a general golf grip. It is said that it weighs as little as 25 grams.
He placed the men's grip on a gram scale, I could see that its weigh is a little lighter than 30 grams. While, who knows what's a few grams among friends.
This is an amazed grip which I can not image. The swing's weight will be raised about 5 points by replacing a normal grip on a driver with a WinnLite which means that D0 can be reach to D5 easily. To the golfer, this seems important because many of them have been finding that they hit the ball farther or straighter-or both-with this superlight grip.
TAYLORMADE: The new Burner 2010 (
TalorMade Burner Draw Driver) drive will be brought before March is lighter which swingweight is just as D7 or D8. I dare say that It will have a great stock with a WinnLite grip.

It is a great change in golf. We all know that nearly all modern driver swingweights have steeled in the D0 to D2 range. The heavier seingweight actually comes with the lighter overall weight.
CALLAWAY/ODYSSEY: Backstryke comes from that Odyssey owns three new putters in the same family. There are three models: 2-Ball, Blade and Marxman(
Callaway FT-3 Driver). These three feature expansive sight alignment, because the shaft is angled severely rearward near the putter head, exposing the entire head and the sight lines to the golfer's eye.

TITLEIST: Titleist's Vokey Design wedges (
Tetleist Vokey spin Milled Oil Can Wedge) are very popular with the top golfer in the PGA Tour and consumer marketplace. It has been interpreted as the dominant factor. You can buy the new C-C of Titleist from the shop soon.