Under the some trainning why some of the golf learners can improve their golf skill fast but the others reach a plateau?In the past 8 years,I used to teach more than 1000 students and feel too deeply about it for that:If the learners want to get a good performance,scores depand on themselve mainly and the actions of the teachers are limited.In a word,the result relys on their abilities to learn golf.
A famous remark says"Teacher open the door.but you must enter by yourself". If you are to be an excellent golfer, to be a sincere and assiduous learner.
NO1.Study with a purpose.Please play a 9 hole or a 18 hole withh your coach or a golfer before you plan to take park in a golf course.It can not only help you calm dowm and feel comfortable but also help you to find out your weak point.
A general wrong idea is that:do as few as your can before the course to ensure your effect next course.
No2.The best way to success.Some students can go to the golf course ahead of the time to do some warm up exersice such as swing iron(Callaway Diablo Edge Irons).They can get a better effect through trainning by this way in the comming class.
Fling your trials at work away completely as you are on the golf course and make good use of the limited trainning time to learn more skill.
Besides,these excellent learners do not on a point to eliminate their problem in swing.On the contrary,they are brave in accepting new skill to take the place of that problem.
Callaway Diablo Edge Irons
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