Club behind the spine
Perform the club-behind-the-spine test
Recumbent chest-and-spine stretch please read this:
The recumbent abdominal-and-shoulder-blade squeeze is designed to helpreeducate your golf posture and begin rebuilding two key areas of muscle strength necessary for great posture at address: your lower abdominals and your shoulder-blade muscles.
Perform this reeducation and rebuilding exercise as follows:
1. Assume the same starting position as for the recumbent chest and spine stretch (refer to first Figure ).
2. Contract the muscles of your lower abdominals and middle and lower shoulder-blade regions so that you can feel the entire length of your spine, neck, and shoulders flattening firmly to the floor.If you’re performing this exercise properly, you should feel a comfortable degree of muscle contraction while you maintain a normal, relaxed breathing pattern (see second Figure).
3. Hold this contraction for three to five breaths, relax, and then repeat
the exercise.
Perform this exercise at least once every other day for 2 to 3 weeks, starting with one set of 10 repetitions and building up gradually to one set of 50 repetitions as needed.
The following golf clubs are on sale on Clearance Price:
Callaway FT-i Brid Irons
Callaway Big Bertha Diablo Driver
Callaway X-Forged Irons
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