Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proper Golf Grip

The most important thing in golf is your grip. Learning a proper golf grip will do wonders for your golf swing. This is your only connection to the golf club, so you better get it right. An incorrect grip is your worst nightmare. You will fight swing faults your entire golf career.

Proper Golf Grip

The grip that you must learn is one where your hands fit naturally on the golf club with no manipulation whatsoever. Just take a look at how your hands hang naturally. Now bring them together onto the grip. This is a perfect blend of both hands on your club.

Correct Golf Wrist Cock

With the right grip on your club, now all you've got to do from your address position is pick your clubhead off the ground vertically (straight up) only using your wrists. When you naturally stop, this is a correct wrist cock full of lag for maximum power. That's all you've got to do to have a golf wrist cock that is loaded full of power.

In order to create an efficient golf swing that enhances power and distance, you've got to apply the above golf tips to your swing. Your golf grip and wrist cock are huge power boosters in your golf swing. Work on them, and watch your driving distance go through the roof.

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