Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The secrect to drive a golf ball far and straight

Every golfer on the planet wants to know the secret to how to drive a golf ball far and straight. Well…there are no “secrets”, but there are several key components that need to be in place to maximize your driving distance, and any below golf driving tip will help.

Golf Driving Tips

Tip #1 Tee your golf ball off your inside heel of your lead foot.

Tip #2 Get a slight spine tilt away from target at address, and maintain it all the way through impact.

Tip #3 Work on improving your golf grip. A strong golf grip will encourage an aggressive rotation of the clubface through impact, encouraging a golf draw, that will land and roll 30 more yards.

Tip #4 Make sure you are lined up “parallel” to target line. So your feet, knees, hips and shoulders should be parallel to your end target. This will ensure a straight golf ball with every drive.

Tip #5 Square clubface at impact. It can be slightly open if you are coming from the inside, which would make it square to your path going into the golf ball.

Tip #6 Swing to a full and balanced finish with all your weight on your lead foot (heel), and with your hips and chest facing the target.

Give these simple golf driving tips a go and I’ll bet you hit your drives longer and straight!

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