Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tiger voted as the biggest lier of this century

News of the World reported that Tiger was NO.1 in the biggest love lier voting. England forward  Rooney took the second place.And the third one is football player Ashley Cole.

Tiger, had a perfect image before, showed his true face in the car accident of last year. After this, his mistresses emerged one by one. The number konwn to all is more than 10. Finally, Elin cannot bear his lying and divorced with him. And one of his mistress is going to show the Video of intimacy with Tiger.

It is reported that in this voting there are 30% women chosing Tiger, 23% women chose Rooney who had intimacy with  prostitutes when his wife is pregnant. Ashley Cole only got 15% votes.

Actually, not only super star can go off the rails, common people also can do this. Most men admit that they will have love affair if nobody knows. And 28% women admint that they will do that as well.

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