Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Are you using sony? be careful

Sony's game networking was attacked by hacker recently, about 77 million gamers' account data are stolen, the data includes

users' basic information, such as name , email address,birthdates, purchase histories, and PSN passwords and login. and it may

extend as far as the users' credit card information.

The company still has no idea who stole the data from more than 100 million of its online gaming accounts. the hacker has deleted

their attack trace. The company said 12.3 million credit-card holders had information on its PlayStation Network, including 5.6

million in the U.S. there is also a anonymous letter which is left by hacker to sony. it says the next target will be Viacome.

So if you are also a user of Sony, you should be careful. Sony suggests that those users watch out for spam and ask a credit

bureau like Transperian or Equifax to place a fraud alert on their accounts.

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